September is the month of prayer for the Gaúchos. We are producing a DVD with 4 videos that highlight 4 strongholds which bind the Urban Gaúchos of POA in darkness: Witchcraft, False Religion, Pride, and Materialism. These videos and accompanying bulletin inserts will be distributed to interested churches and individuals in the USA to use in worship services, prayer services, Bible studies, small groups, etc. We did this last year, and were surprised with the positive response.
However, we have been running up against one technical problem after another. After much wrangling, the videos are ready to go, but we still can't get them to burn to a DVD. We need to get the master DVD ready so we can make copies to start getting them distributed.
There is no doubt in our minds that this is spiritual warfare - it's interesting how much push back you get when you do something to raise up prayer to combat the forces of the evil one.
PLEASE PRAY NOW and ask God to make our computers work so that this DVD can be prepared. Also pray that the forces of evil that are trying to use our technology to drive us nuts would be bound and pray that God's Holy Spirit would be fully loosed to raise up prayer support for the lost in Porto Alegre.
While at a meeting in São Paulo, Cam dropped her computer--the only computer that has the movie files stored on it. Thankfully, the files weren't damaged, but we'll need to send the computer away to Dell for a screen replacement. We don't believe this is a coincidence. Please pray for this project.
JULY 22--DVD is completed and a master copy is burned. Materials are arriving tomorrow to make the copies and begin sending them out.