Since my computer is still being repaired, I haven't posted in awhile. Good news is that the DVD is completed and a master copy burned!!
Our other big news is that we're in the states for longer than we expected. For the skinny on our situation, here is a copy of the prayerletter we just sent out:
Greetings from Newark, Delaware! We arrived in the USA from Brazil last
week to attend a missions conference sponsored by the IMB in Richmond. The
day we left Brazil, we had an appointment with Parker’s eye doctor who
told us that surgery would probably be necessary to correct his crossing
eyes. I had already arranged an appointment with the ophthalmologists at
the children’s hospital here in Delaware, and during that appointment they
confirmed that recommendation.
We are so thankful to God for the opportunity to get Parker’s eyes
corrected and to get it done here with such good care available. It is,
however, something of a challenge to work out schedules, since it will
involve more time here than we anticipated. We are so thankful to the IMB
for supporting us through this time!
Parker is scheduled for surgery this coming Monday, July 28. It’s an
outpatient procedure with a follow-up appointment the next morning.
Please pray for Parker’s surgery to be successful and for the correction
to be 100%.
Please pray for us as we juggle our schedules to accommodate the extra
time here for post-surgical follow-up.
Pray especially for us as we make decisions regarding Blake’s schooling
this semester, which begins at the Pan American school on July 28. At
this point we are considering homeschooling for the semester, or at
least half of it. An added complication is that we left our
homeschooling books in Brazil! Argh!.
Pray also for our preparations for September Month of Prayer for Urban
Gauchos –we’ll let you know more about this in a Dunson Diaries next
week. Be in prayer about how God would have you participate in touching
the lives of Urban Gauchos through both personal prayer and the raising
of prayer support for this tremendously spiritually needy people.
Thank you all so very much, your prayers make a tremendous difference in
our lives and ministries!
God bless you!

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You are in our prayers!
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