Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not all issues are created equal

I just did the Presidential Candidate Calculator. It's a little self-test that tells you which presidential candidate you're most in agreement with on certain issues.
Mostly, I learned that I know NOTHING about the major political issues being discussed in the US right now. [They do offer good explanations of the pro- and con- side of each issue.] My result was very surprising.
The only thing I can figure is that, even though they weight issues, they don't weight them strongly enough.

Either that, or I've been watching too many Alias episodes. . .


J. Guy Muse said...

How did you come out on the test? My top candidate was John Cox (somebody I'd never heard of!), following by Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney. It was fun!

Campbell Dunson said...

Actually, they assigned me to Rudy,
I wouldn't vote for him, simply because of the abortion issue. . .
weirdness. . . .

Unknown said...

The guy they said I was best matched to I'd never even hear of. And those I'm interested in were my worst matches. Weird.

Glad your back blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cam my candidate was Mike Huckabee. I don't think he will get the nom. We will wait and see. that was fun!